The Oubliette's Alcove

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Great Lord, God, Father of us all, protect us from your followers. Great Lady, Goddess, Mother of us all, shield us who worship you from those who do not acknowledge your divine presence. Give us strength to walk in the world with our heads held high, unafraid of our beliefs, or what the consequences of adhering to our beliefs may be.

Blessed Be!

Sunday, October 09, 2005

commentary on my pledge

I have been a practicing Wiccan for about 7 years now, and have been increasing my studies, expanding, the entire time. At this point, I have traveled far enough along my path to publicly call myself a Priestess to the Lord and Lady, each a half of the Divine One. I have been performing as a priestess since I first made the leap of faith, devoted myself to them, became a Wiccan. To be a Wiccan is to be a priest or priestess. And I feel that I must no longer hide my spiritual beliefs, whether anyone likes them or not. It is crucial that I live openly, honestly, and accept whatever challenges that brings. The First Amentment means freedom for ALL religions, not to be able to choose from any denomoniation of Christianity. That is what I am doing, no longer hiding my beliefs out of fear.

Blessed Be!

My Pledge to the Lord and Lady

I who am a priestess, Witch, and child of the God and Goddess do hereby resolve:

I will walk upon the world lightly, striving for balance in all things.
I will strive for intregity and act with mindfulness.
I will look for the blessings and humor in all of my wanderings.
I will come from a place of love for all of creation.
I will look to nature and her wisdom for guidance.
I will be a source of strength and comfort to my family.
I will choose healing over harm, and remember that the choice is mine alone to make.

So shall it be.
(By Dianne Sylvan, published in Llewellyn's 2005 Wicca Almanac)

All that read this, my pledge to the Lord and Lady, know that I hold every word near to my heart, and may you all be witness to this pledge.

Blessed Be!