The Oubliette's Alcove

Monday, February 06, 2006

back after a mental health hiatus

For the details you can just look over at The Oubliette.

I learned yesterday that I really am an Oracle. Now, I've been working on my divination skills since I don't think I'm very good at divination right now. Apparently in December, while talking to Mom, I said "The Caregiver will need to be cared for." I have absolutely no recollection of this. Mom said at the time she thought I was on some pretty good meds, probably prescription cough syrup for a sinus infection. She didn't think much about it, until she had to go to the hospital with her elevated blood pressure, and got her pacemaker a few days later.

Last night she asked me if I remembered saying that to her. She said in the ER she remembered what I had said, and she is the primary caregiver for her mother, Granny. Right now she can't take Granny grocery shopping or anything, because she is supposed to get NO exercise, until the pacemaker completely heals. Granny is blind and lives alone, so she needs someone to take her grocery shopping and put stuff up. Granny started going blind 20 years ago or so, from macular degeneration, so she's accustomed to getting around with limited sight. (She's legally blind, not totally blind.)

So, apparently it is a good idea for me to have a priest following me around, writing down whatever bizarre stuff I say, since I have no idea what I'm saying. At least now Mom is going to start paying more attention to my mad ramblings on the phone, and write down any nuggets of wisdom that I may unknowingly spout. Never though I'd be a true Oracle, in the Greek/Roman tradition.

Blessed Be!


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