Happy New Year $BlogItemTitle$>
Yes, I'm fully aware it's been over a month since I posted here. I've been not feeling so hot, plus I've been a little more philosophical on my main blog.
Right now I'm feeling pretty down about my health. I ranted about it on The Oubliette, and basically, the doctors don't really know what's wrong, at least on the neurological front. I'm kinda down right now, my life is pretty much at a standstill right now. I once had a reason to live, I am an EMT, an Emergency Medical Technician, and have been for 10 years. I don't know how many people I have helped on the worst day of their life, how many people I have watched die or cut their bodies out of a car using the Jaws of Life. I loved that work, it gave me a purpose in life - to help others. I didn't need to know thier names, and don't want to, it's easier to do that kind of work if you don't know the person too well and get emotionally involved too much.
Well, I've lost my sense of purpose of life, at least on my bad days. I am a Witch, a servant of the God and Goddess, and of all life. I can curse, but I can also heal. Intelectually, I know this, but emotionally on some days it is hard to accept this new path.
I am now officially a member of Nova Roma, New Rome as Lucia Galeria Mira. I passed the citizenship test, and completed my probationary period. I am researching the Ancient Roman and Greek form of worship of Hecate, so that I may become a Sacerdotes of Hecate, an official Priestess of Hecate. I will continue to serve Cernunnos and Freya, as they both chose me to be their Preistess. I have been trying to find out the Ancient way of worshipping both of them, with little luck. I have been considering attempting to hold more than one priestly office within Nova Roma, since I already perform many of the duties of several offices anyway. Another option I am truly considering is to be an Augur, in addition to a Sacerdotes of Hecate.
Roman augury is most often performed by observing the behavior of birds. Honestly, I have been doing that for years, and I have learned what various birds mean. For example: wrens mean good fortune in a home; crows/ravens indicate hidden knowledge; owls mean wisdom; hawks are divine power and wisdom; eagles are power and also fear; white doves mean peace; mourning doves (aside from being at your bird feeder) mean an impending death; a peacock (which you're not likely to see just walking around) means vanity or showing one's true self; swans mean transformation; vultures/buzzards mean death; a nightingale means yearning for something, and pain - possibly mental as much as physical; swallows who build a nest in your house or barn will protect it from fire and lightning, as long as you don't disturb the nest. I could go on, but you get the idea. I am assembling a list of birds and thier meanings, which I will share when I complete it. I have no problem in sharing my knowledge.
I guess this should be my new path, serving the Immortals and teaching magics to those who would use the knowledge for pure purposes. I will not post anything specific about how to do something that could be used against somebody. If you want to learn more about something, IM me so we can get to know each other, and I will decide if I will teach you. Those of you who have pure intentions know that I must be cautious in who I teach, I won't be responsible for teaching someone who will use their knowledge to harm others.
I can be contacted by the following IM clients:
AIM: oubliettemira
Yahoo: lucia_galeria
Yahoo: oubliette_mira
You can also go over to The Oubliette, where I have a complete listing of how to contact me.
Blessed Be!
1 Comments: $BlogItemCommentCount$>
Yay! I love these posts! I will talk to you again real soon when I have the time. I'm so sorry about your health problems. All I know to do is to pray for you. Talk to you soon!$BlogCommentBody$>
By Anonymous , at January 09, 2006 11:17 PM$BlogCommentDateTime$> $BlogCommentDeleteIcon$> $BlogCommentAuthor$>
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