The Oubliette's Alcove

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

merry samhain

I hope all had a Merry Samhain and/or Happy Halloween, then a Happy Celtic New Year's Day yesterday. This week I'm in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park from Monday through Friday. Monday night, when my husband and I arrived in the Park, we went straight up to the top of the main ridge of the mountains, Newfound Gap, and celebrated Samhain at the park. It was cold, with snow still on the ground from last weeks snow throughout the Applaichains. (After talking to a Ranger later, the Park got about a foot at the higher elevations, above about 4000 ft.)

We celebrated with me casting a circle using the Four Elements with my husband acting as my assistant, (although that night air was much more powerful than fire, my candle kept blowing out), then offering some nuts, fresh bread, a pear, and some wine for us, the God and Goddess, the Spirits, and our Ancestors. We remembered those who are dear to us who have passed on to the Summerlands, or beyond the Veil, especially George, the cat I shared with my parents who passed on recently and had not had a full Samhain Rememberance Ceremony yet. Despite the fact we were breaking park regulations, we did leave the offerings on the side of the mountain for the wildlife and the Spirits to partake of when we were through with the ceremony.

Oh, and Book of Shadows? What Book of Shadows? I made up all the invocations as I went along. Something along the lines of "I invoke and invite (Spirit of, Element of, or Deity Name here) to join me in my circle and ritual tonight. Please bless this (ceremony, ritual) with your presence, and watch over me while you are present." Then ending the ceremony/ritual is pretty much the reverse. "I thank you (Spirit, Element, Deity) for blessing this (ceremony, ritual) with your presence. While I no longer need your presence tonight, you are free to stay as long as you wish or leave and continue along your path. Thank you for your presence" Free-form describes my method of worship and ritual.

Anyway, I should have pictures when I have broadband again, and can upload the photos from this week to Flickr.

Blessed Be!


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