The Oubliette's Alcove

Sunday, November 20, 2005

some updates

I've been updating my Book of Shadows, so I wanted to share some of the writings, poems, and such that I'm including. I have 2 different BOSs, one is written, and one is a loose leaf binder with sheet protectors so I can re-arrange pages as I need to. With my memory not being the greatest anymore, I'm not relying on it anymore and documenting more and more of what I do, what pops into my mind. So, I thought I would share some of the writings that are already in electronic format.

Daily Affirmation

I am a Witch!
I am at One with the Earth, the Universe, and the Divine!
Let this day be free from Strife and Fear;
Let only Joy and Love come near;
With Blessings given and received
I walk in Peace in Word and Deed.

Personal Journal/Book Blessing

These words herein are mine alone
Fashioned deep inside my bones
Each picture, thought, and quote you see
Are all reflections of what is me.
Beware the urge to take this book
Or read it in some private nook
Because its magic isn’t blind
And I will know you’ve touched what is mine.

The Thirteen Powers of the Witch

Thirteen powers do the Witches claim
Their right of lineage by Freya’s name.
Tie a knot and say the words
Or hand on head – the blessing conferred.
A Witch can give success in love
Curse or bless through Goddess above.
Speak to beasts and spirits alike
Command the weather; cast out a blight.
Read the heavens and stars of night
Divine the future and give good advice.
Conjure treasure and bring fortune to bear
Heal the sick and kill despair.

This is my birthright to have and to share
Blessings upon you, may the spirits be fair.

I hope you find these interesting. I'll post more as I convert more things to electronic format.

Blessed Be!


  • Very cool! It's very interesting to see what kind of things you write.

    By Anonymous Anonymous , at November 22, 2005 5:03 PM  

  • Thanks a lot for the virus! Lol, I'm only joking. I accidentally opened it, but one of my friends is reverse engineering it (if you don't know what that means, don't worry, you're just as lost as I am). He's going to give me an antidote to the virus and I will send it to you just as soon as I get it. You can send it to all of your friends who you sent it to. I also advise you not to get on aim until you get the antivirus and fix it because it keeps sending it out every now and then. Oh, and Merry Christmas!

    By Anonymous Anonymous , at December 04, 2005 12:11 AM  

  • Yeah, I just got hit by it tonight, from my cousin on my IM list, and I was stupid enough to open it. Looked like an IM greeting card, right? I've got Norton Anti-Virus working on it now.

    By Blogger Mira , at December 04, 2005 1:06 AM  

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