The Oubliette's Alcove

Monday, September 19, 2005

reflections on the morning i nearly broke my wrist

First let me say that drugs, including your prescriptions, are not necesssairly the best idea in the world. Last Monday, I was given a Medrol Pack (a cortisone-like anti-inflammatory), to help with any inflammation in my Central Nervous System, and I had never taken it before. I hadn't realize how bad some of the side effects are, like jitteryness, mood swings, and extra energy. I was feeling the side effects of my prescription, insomnia, excessive energy, some impressive mood swings, and such.

Then I get the bright idea Tuesday to Draw Down the Sun, to bring the Cerrunos into me, while up on the Medrol. Drawing a God is an advanced practice for a woman. Women are most familiar with Drawing Down the Moon, bringing the power of the Moon Goddess into us. Drawing Down the Sun can be intense, and doing it on the Medrol didn't help moderate the intensity any - it made it worse. For a while, I was Lord Cerrunos, the Lord of the Hunt, riding the winds.

I have started more advanced practice, but I made such a basic mistake, performing a ritual while taking medications that alter the mental state. A word of advice, know what your medications do before performing any magics.

Which leads to part 2 of this lesson. I went outside to water my potted plants, and there is a retaining wall with plants on the stacked blocks. I slipped and fell on the grass on the steep slope, landing on my butt and left wrist. I nearly broke my left arm, and was left with a pretty severe injury. So, would I have gone out to water my plants without the extra energy? Yes, although I may have been more careful. Would I have broken my arm without the extra energy from Cerrunos? Good question, and one I will never know. Maybe the foolish drawing of extra energy kept me from being more seriously injured.

So always be careful, be aware, with your magics, you never know what other effects you may have. Harm none includes yourself.

Blessed Be!


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