i wish i didn't have to post this $BlogItemTitle$>
I was browsing the ways folks find my main site and this particular search was one of the more recent ones - voodoo practioners cause hurricane Katrina (Yahoo). This post of mine was the #1 result on Yahoo, yes, yay me and my crappy spelling, I spelled "practitioner" wrong in my original post.
Most of that post stemmed from an online conversation with a fellow blogger in Houston, when it was announced on CNN that the Superdome temporary residents would become involuntary tourists in Houston at the Astrodome.
(there will be) Lots of Catholics, the occasional Methodist, maybe a few Vodun practioners (Voodoo), but I doubt any Palestinians. I don't think any vampires will be showing up, either, since their hiding places are under water, and it's nice and sunny. Poof. No more vampire problem in New Orleans....Great. Those of us who practice magic, whatever form it may be, created Katrina and inflicted such horror upon those who live in the affected areas. Or else it was the Wrath of God, ridding the Earth of all unbelievers. I simply can't believe people think that magic had anything to do with Katrina.
Yes, I'm a little bitter on this subject, witchcraft/magic to this day being blamed for natural disasters. (sigh) Some things never change
Blessed Be!
2 Comments: $BlogItemCommentCount$>
Hey, thanks for updating! I know that there are many different concepts associated with the word "witchcraft", and I was wondering: What is your definition of witchcraft? Do you cast spells on things? How does it work?$BlogCommentBody$>
By Anonymous , at September 10, 2005 2:16 PM$BlogCommentDateTime$> $BlogCommentDeleteIcon$> $BlogCommentAuthor$>
I'll answer in a complete post, otherwise this will be a long comment. :)$BlogCommentBody$>
By Mira , at September 10, 2005 4:35 PM$BlogCommentDateTime$> $BlogCommentDeleteIcon$> $BlogCommentAuthor$>
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